Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 8, 2016

[UPDATED] Someone Just Confirmed That Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx Are Dating

Turns out, everything you've read about Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx is true. Or at least, the part that romantically links them together. The relationship, which first sparked rumors in 2013 when they were spotted dancing together in the Hamptons, has been confirmed by Real Housewives of Atlanta alum Claudia Jordan. Claudia, who says Jamie is a "good friend of mine," let the news slip during an interview on the Allegedly podcast with Theo Von and Matthew Cole Weiss. The hosts were going through a list of all the rumored romances Claudia's been linked to in the past. When Jamie came up, she straight up said they never hooked up. Enter Katie, and these nice words from Claudia: "He is very happy with her so… I like that he seems very happy." (To hear these words with your own ears, fast-forward to the 42-minute mark in the latest Allegedly episode).
Claudia's comments come months after the couple was spotted wearing rings on their respective ring fingers. The actor's rep later slammed that rumor. In May, Katie's rep told the Mirror that a report alleging that Katie was pregnant was "categorically untrue."
Katie, who is currently filming the TV miniseries The Kennedys: After Camelot, recently posted this cryptic photo to Instagram. As with everything on social media and dating rumors, take this with a coarse grain of salt (but also maybe secretly congratulate Katie and Jamie on the official, public birth of their relationship):
Update 6/22, 9 a.m.: Jordan has since retracted her comments, telling Entertainment Tonightthat "I have no knowledge of Jamie with Katie at all ... I've never seen them together, he's never told me he's dating her." According to Jordan, she "misspoke."


11 Things Not to Say to Someone in an Interracial Relationship

I am a white twentysomething woman. I've been dating my wonderful African-American twentysomething boyfriend for two years now. We don't live in a huge city like New York or L.A., but our hometown of Wichita, Kansas is diverse and educated. And still, we've heard just about every sad, ignorant, racist comment about our relationship that's in the human lexicon. Some people mean well and just don't know any better. Some people want to bring us down. If you have a friend who starts dating someone of another race, here are some insulting things they are definitely very sick of hearing.
1. "How do your parents feel about you dating someone outside of your race?" Wait. Are my parents supposed to be shocked or angry that I am dating a brilliant guy who treats me like a queen? No? OK, then why does the color of his skin matter?
2. "Don't you want your kids to look like you?" How will my children magically not look like me just because I am dating outside of my own race? They might have a different shade of skin or maybe even a different texture of hair, but maybe they'll have my nose or my build or my smile.
3. "But you look so innocent!" Oh, so my innocence has been robbed because I am dating someone of another race? Sure, makes total sense.
4. "It's just a phase." No, dating a man who treats me with respect is not a phase. I hope your ignorance is though.
5. "You're never going to be able to date someone [your race] again once they find out you've dated someone [other race]." I am not worried about superficial, small-minded people who would be so concerned as to judge me for what race my ex-boyfriend was. Seriously? I don't need people like that in my life anyway; we probably wouldn't get along.
6. Any food-related jokes regarding to the race of their significant other. No, I do not like hot chocolate just because I am dating an African-American guy. Don't go there. It's not even very original.
7. And any fetish phrases. No, I am not a snowbunny, nor do I have junglefever.
8. "Once you go black..." Are we still in third grade where we say stupid things just because it rhymes?
9. "Are you rebelling?" Or, "What did your parents do to piss you off?" No, I am not rebelling by dating a man who shares the same values as me. My parents are actually pretty happy I'm with a guy who loves me completely, thanks.
10. "But aren't you worried about [insert racist stereotype here]?" Please tell me you're kidding. Where do people come up with this stuff? If I'm in a relationship with him, I'm obviously not worried.
11. "Someone has daddy issues." *Sighs really long and loud.* I am dating outside my race because I fell in love with the person I am dating. There isn't some weird formula as to how I ended up here. We are two humans who enjoy the same things in life. And no, I don't have daddy issues.

The 22 Most WTF Things That Every Man Does on Dating Apps

1. He matches with you but never messages you. Call me old-school, but there's nothing like a dude with the balls (and conversation skills) to initiate this thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you and I both on here to find love so we don't have to go on The Bachelor?
2. He wants to be your pen pal. Look bro, I have real friends, coworkers, my doorman — I don't need someone who I just met two days ago narrating his every waking moment — especially when you're not actually looking to meet IRL.
3. He makes vague plans.
The dude: We should get drinks sometime.
You: Cool, sounds good.
Him: How about Thursday?
You: Perfect.
And then you never hear from him again.
4. He includes group photos of him and his boys in his profile pics. (1) Have no clue who the F you are and (2) Ambiguous man on the far left is hot AF.
5. He's seen your account but doesn't ask you any specific questions based on the profile you painstakingly crafted. Which, by the way, gives him a snapshot of your personality and includes but is not limited to: a witty quip about what you do for a living, a classy bathing suit beach photo, a pic of you with an adorable dog, a photo on a sunny day that shows your beaming smile.
6. He responds like Siri. For example:
Him: How are you.
You: I'm good, you?
Him: Great.
OK, cool this is going nowhere about as fast as a turtle. See you never? Thumbs-up emoji.
7. He is in the public eye and has a full-on significant other (but he lurks on apps).Didn't I see you on the @TheShadeRoom with your wife? Unmatch.
8. When you match in October, and he messages you in December. And by then, you have no clue WTF is texting you because it's literally been ages since you've heard from them.
New phone, who dis?
9.When he doesn't recognize you from multiple dating apps. Um, that's a definite deal breaker. Especially when you already matched on Tinder and then he tries to strike up a conversation on Bumble. Hi. Hello, my face has not changed.
10. He posts pictures with puppies and babies only. Do you see me posing courtside at a Laker game? No, so stop pandering. However, I would love courtside seats, so hit me up if you have those.
11. He's always holding fish. Why tho? Does this mean you're a catch? Or am I missing something?
12. He crops out his ex. Half of his face is gone and there's a rogue manicured hand. So, tell me, who got cut? Because inquiring minds want to know. Also: just choose another photo — we know you have 8,000 other options in your archives.
13. His profile is just gym selfies (with his head cropped off). This is lame. Save it for the #fitfam.
14. He never asks you any questions, so you have to put all the effort into keeping the conversation going until you finally just give up. This is a conversation, not a Reddit AMA. So anytime you want to get involved, it'd be great. Thanks.
15. He sends vulgar messages right off the bat. Little nugget of advice here, Tyler: That does not a romance make.
16. He posts nature pics or food porn. Why. Is. This. In. Your. Profile? If I wanted to see roundups of the best burger or reuben sammy, I'd just scroll through Insta.
17. He hates on the dating app you're guys are both on. It's 2016 and no one should feel embarrassed to be on a dating app. App shamelessly or get off the app.
18. His profile photo is a screenshot of his bank balance. Yes, this is a real situation that's happened. If you want to prove that you're rich, how about a picture with a tiger?
19. You have seen this dude around, you have mutual friends, you have officially met IRL, and he hits you with the "Wait, have we met before?" FOR REAL THOUGH? You and I both know we went to high school together.
20. His main pic is a certified #tbt. This isn't a passport my friend. Please update your profile picture every calendar year.
21. He sends unsolicited nudes and dick pics. How we went from zero to sending nudes is beyond me. Also, thanks ... I guess.
22. He posts numerous photos where you can't see his face. He seems like he could be cute, but he's either standing on top of a mountain and looks like an ant, or he's on his motorcycle with a helmet on. SHOW US YOUR FACE, please! We're going to see it eventually if you ever message us back!